The mirror moment in a story is when the main character experiences a moment of clarity that pushes them to change direction. It is the turning point.
That moment of clarity is when your character experiences an ah-hah moment. Most often, it is the unveiling of a truth about—themselves, the world, what they must do if they hope to survive, or what they must do to be “save the world,” regardless of the price.
Your homework for this episode is to read Write Your Novel From The Middle: A New Approach for Plotters, Pantsers and Everyone in Between by James Scott Bell.
The question of the week is: What is your favorite “mirror moment” in a book, play, or movie?
Leave your answer at
Get your free copy of the First Chapter Rubric.
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Three Story Method Certified Editor
What does writing from the middle mean? What are some
Kathrese:mirror moments in literature and movies? Can you find your mirror
Kathrese:moment? Within your stories answers to these questions and
Kathrese:more in this episode of writing proceeds Welcome to the writing
Kathrese:pursuits podcast where authors like you discuss writing craft,
Kathrese:author, life and book marketing strategies. I'm your host
Kathrese:Kathrese. McKee. I own writing pursuits and write and produce
Kathrese:the weekly newsletter writing pursuits tips for authors. In
Kathrese:addition, I am a speculative fiction author writing pursuits
Kathrese:is for authors who drink too much coffee, endure judgemental
Kathrese:looks from their free riding companions and struggle for
Kathrese:words. If you are a writer seeking encouragement,
Kathrese:information and inspiration This podcast is for you. Let's get to
Kathrese:it. Hey, writing precedes authors. Welcome back to the
Kathrese:podcast. To those of you who are new, I want to extend a special
Kathrese:welcome. My name is Kathrese McKee. And I'm glad you're here.
Kathrese:Please leave a comment a star rating and follow the show to
Kathrese:help others find writing pursuits. The mirror moment in
Kathrese:the story is when the main character experiences a moment
Kathrese:of clarity that pushes them to change direction, it is the
Kathrese:turning point. That moment of clarity is when your character
Kathrese:experiences an aha moment. Most often, it is the unveiling of a
Kathrese:truth about themselves the world what they must do if they hope
Kathrese:to survive or what they must do to save the world regardless of
Kathrese:the price. This realization is a catalyst for your character to
Kathrese:go from a reactive passive state where things are happening to
Kathrese:them to a proactive more dynamic state where they are making
Kathrese:things happen. Today I am focusing on positive outcomes.
Kathrese:However, your main character is not required to make the right
Kathrese:choice. In real life. People make poor and destructive
Kathrese:choices all the time. Some people have that moment of
Kathrese:clarity about themselves that mirror moment but they choose to
Kathrese:look away. Some people glimpse the real world and reject
Kathrese:reality. Many people know what must happen for survival but
Kathrese:illogically. They hide their heads in the sand. Worse, people
Kathrese:figure out what must be done to save the world and choose to
Kathrese:ignore the call. I can't think of any examples of that in real
Kathrese:life, can you, uh, he mean, today, let's focus on positive
Kathrese:outcomes. Your character is going to save the world and
Kathrese:themselves right learn how to identify the mirror moment.
Kathrese:James Scott Bell is my writing mentor through his books on
Kathrese:writing craft. There is not another writer about writing who
Kathrese:has taught me more. And that is saying something because I have
Kathrese:fairly extensive library. In:Kathrese:write your novel from the middle, a new approach for
Kathrese:plotters, Pantsers, and everyone in between. The book has a long
Kathrese:title, but the paperback edition is only 88 pages. We will
Kathrese:nickname it mirror moment for short. I read this book every
Kathrese:year or so and reference it whenever I get stuck. homework
Kathrese:assignment Your homework is to buy this book and watch for the
Kathrese:following points. Phil describes an algorithm he calls quote, the
Kathrese:Golden Triangle. The mirror moment is at the triangles Apex
Kathrese:the top, it's the middle. The left hand point represents pre
Kathrese:story psychology. And the right hand point represents
Kathrese:transformation. You must have all three points for a strong
Kathrese:story creating your stories midpoint must be intentional and
Kathrese:transformational. And I'm going to quote from his book his
Kathrese:explanation. At any stage of your writing. You can ask
Kathrese:yourself with a mirror moment in your story might be you can play
Kathrese:with it. You can brainstorm is that a transformational moment?
Kathrese:Is it about facing the toughest odds? What's going on inside
Kathrese:your character?
Kathrese:What do you want there to be going on? This is the apex of
Kathrese:what I call the Golden Triangle. This is the most crucial thing
Kathrese:to know, because this is what your story is really all about.
Kathrese:practice identifying examples of mirror moments in books, plays
Kathrese:and movies. Bell gives many great illustrations in his
Kathrese:mirror moment book. But let me supply a few more. Spoiler
Kathrese:alert. I'm going to talk about The Last Jedi so if you haven't
Kathrese:seen it, watch it first. The Last Jedi is from the latest
Kathrese:Star Wars trilogy, I think. And in the first movie The Force
Kathrese:Awakens and through most of the second movie The Last Jedi, the
Kathrese:main character array is searching for who she is. Who
Kathrese:are her parents. How did she wind up as an orphaned scavenger
Kathrese:on a desk? third planet. Most importantly, why does she have
Kathrese:such a powerful connection to the Force in The Force Awakens,
Kathrese:Ray glimpses her past. If you blink you miss her vision of the
Kathrese:moment she is stranded on Jakku as a very young child. As a
Kathrese:young adult, Ray is convinced her parents will return for her
Kathrese:some day, and she counts the days of her exile by keeping
Kathrese:score on the wall of her little house. When she gets caught up
Kathrese:in saving the droid, you know those pesky droids, she is
Kathrese:reluctant to leave Jakku for fear she will miss reuniting
Kathrese:with her family. To the outside observer. It's apparent that Ray
Kathrese:has pinned her hopes on wishful thinking. But she doesn't see
Kathrese:things that way and continues her search for identity in the
Kathrese:last Jedi. Finally, in the midst of her training with Luke and a
Kathrese:few intense moments with Kylo Ren re seeks answers in a very
Kathrese:dark place the mirror cave in the cave, she faces her greatest
Kathrese:fear. Instead of seeing her parents as she had hoped. She
Kathrese:sees infinite versions of herself in the mirror, both
Kathrese:ahead of her and behind her. This is when she realizes that
Kathrese:she is alone. Her future is up to her, she must decide what to
Kathrese:do next. I believe this is the moment when Ray finally puts
Kathrese:aside her childhood wishes and decides to take on her future as
Kathrese:an adult. She doesn't mature in a heartbeat far from it, but she
Kathrese:is ready for her transformation. You don't need an actual mirror.
Kathrese:Unless you're a famous Hollywood producer. Be careful about using
Kathrese:an actual mirror to make your point. It's been done before.
Kathrese:The mirror moment is simply when truth triumphs, or not. One of
Kathrese:my all time favorite books is the blue sword by Robin McKinley
Kathrese:the tale of anger Ed crew, also known as Harry in chapter 12,
Kathrese:roughly 70% of the way through the book, Harry has a
Kathrese:confrontation with the king she secretly loves when he shuts her
Kathrese:down mainly because he quote unquote knows better. She
Kathrese:considers her options and decides to strike out on her
Kathrese:own, knowing she will be cut off from her people for disobeying
Kathrese:the Kings wishes. This is Harry's mirror moment, she can
Kathrese:stay and maintain the status quo with the king or leave to raise
Kathrese:the alarm and gather help against the impending threat.
Kathrese:When she sets off during the night she leaves behind the sash
Kathrese:that symbolizes her rank, her personal stakes couldn't be
Kathrese:higher. The mirror moment is a point of realization and
Kathrese:decision no mirror needed. In this moment, your character or
Kathrese:characters move from being reactive to being proactive.
Kathrese:until Chapter 12 of the blue sword. Harry was on board
Kathrese:following along, questioning, but compliant after chapter 12
Kathrese:Harry takes charge despite the odds against her. Another
Kathrese:example of a mirror moment is in The Hunger Games by Suzanne
Kathrese:Collins When Rue is killed. At this point, Katniss goes from
Kathrese:playing defense to playing offense. We knew Katniss had
Kathrese:potential before this happens in the book. But afterward, we see
Kathrese:her stepping into a new role as an opponent, not only to the
Kathrese:other players, but to the government that created the
Kathrese:Hunger Games. Yes,
Kathrese:I love a strong kick butt heroine. But let's take up a
Kathrese:different example from Harry Potter and the Order of the
Kathrese:Phoenix otherwise known as book five. This is roughly the middle
Kathrese:of the Harry Potter series. The students have had many
Kathrese:adventures and misadventures up to this point. But things get
Kathrese:deadly serious during the reign of High Inquisitor Dolores
Kathrese:Umbridge. In Book five, Harry decides to teach his classmates
Kathrese:how to combat the dark arts. In my opinion, this is a moment
Kathrese:Harry chooses to live up to his potential. He is a reluctant
Kathrese:leader, but a leader nonetheless. From here on, Harry
Kathrese:is more proactive than reactive. A happy ending is not a given.
Kathrese:Mirror moments do not always lead to a happy ending or a
Kathrese:positive transformation. As we discussed in the beginning. For
Kathrese:today, though, we will assume your story's ending is going to
Kathrese:be positive. Your character will look inside their heart and
Kathrese:wonder what kind of person they are. What do they believe? Have
Kathrese:they believed a lie? What are they willing to sacrifice? The
Kathrese:stakes need to be high? And then we hope they went out. Your
Kathrese:homework is to read James Scott Bell's book. Write your novel
Kathrese:from the middle and new approach for plotters, Panthers and
Kathrese:everyone in between. The question for this week is what
Kathrese:is your favorite mirror moment in a book player Movie? That's
Kathrese:all I have for today. Until next time, keep writing. Thank you
Kathrese:for joining us today. If you enjoyed this episode, please
Kathrese:leave a comment and follow the podcast. If you're new around
Kathrese:here I hope you will sign up for the weekly newsletter writing
Kathrese:pursuits. Tips for authors that link and all the links mentioned
Kathrese:in today's episode are in the show notes at writing Please join us on Wednesdays for new episodes and
Kathrese:keep writing my friends. Keep writing
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