Figuring out your characters’ fears and deepest needs and desires is a key to characterization and generating conflict for your plot.
The question of the week is: How have you used your characters’ fears to drive your plot? Or, what is your favorite example of a character’s fears driving a plot?
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Three Story Method Certified Editor
If you're struggling to invent conflict for your
Kathrese:novel, go back to the drawing board and revisit your
Kathrese:character's fears. You need to know the wants and needs for
Kathrese:every primary and important secondary character. This
Kathrese:knowledge will give you lots of ideas for your plot, tools, tips
Kathrese:and more on this episode of writing pursuits, let's get to
Kathrese:it. Welcome to the writing pursuits podcast where authors
Kathrese:like you discuss writing craft, author, life and book marketing
Kathrese:strategies. I'm your host Kathrese. McKee. I own writing
Kathrese:pursuits and write and produce the weekly newsletter writing
Kathrese:pursuits tips for authors. In addition, I am a speculative
Kathrese:fiction author, writing procedures for authors who drink
Kathrese:too much coffee, endure judgemental looks from their
Kathrese:furry writing companions and struggle for words. If you are a
Kathrese:writer seeking encouragement, information and inspiration,
Kathrese:this podcast is for you. Let's get to it. Hey, writing
Kathrese:pursuits, authors. Welcome
Kathrese:back to the podcast. To those of you who are new, I want to
Kathrese:extend a special welcome. My name is Kathrese McKee, and I'm
Kathrese:glad you're here. Please leave a comment a star rating and follow
Kathrese:the show to help others find writing pursuits. I've been laid
Kathrese:up with back problems lately. So I've spent a lot of time binging
Kathrese:dramas on my iPad as a way to ignore the pain Don't worry, I'm
Kathrese:under a doctor's care we have a plan. Normally, I don't like
Kathrese:shows that alternate between the present and the past. I was flat
Kathrese:on my back with nothing else to do. So I gave Quantico a second
Kathrese:chance. I'm glad I spent the time because the show is a good
Kathrese:example of using characters desires and fears to drive a
Kathrese:story forward and to generate twists and turns for the plot.
Kathrese:fears and desires drive conflict. For those who have
Kathrese:never seen the series Quantico is about a class of recruits
Kathrese:going through FBI training, it centers on Alex a young woman
Kathrese:with a few secrets in her past secrets she desires to leave in
Kathrese:the past. In fact, all of the recruits who live on her Hall
Kathrese:have secrets and they all fear exposure. These are the
Kathrese:characters who get tangled up in the drama surrounding Alex,
Kathrese:their individual fears drive the conflict in every episode.
Kathrese:Figuring out your character's tears and deepest needs and
Kathrese:desires is a key to characterization and generating
Kathrese:conflict for your plot. Know your character's fears, even if
Kathrese:they don't make it into the plot. If you are struggling to
Kathrese:invent conflict for your novel, go back to the drawing board and
Kathrese:revisit your character's fears. You need to know the wants and
Kathrese:needs for every primary and secondary, important character.
Kathrese:This knowledge will give you lots of ideas for your plot.
Kathrese:This reminds me of when I was a little kid, like maybe four or
Kathrese:five years old. My father was earning and an engineering
Kathrese:degree at New Mexico State University. And my family lived
Kathrese:in a cottage located in married college housing. And we
Kathrese:frequently took advantage of the universities magnificent Oh, the
Kathrese:only problem was, I had a deep seated fear of drowning. I don't
Kathrese:know where it came from. It just has always been there. I've been
Kathrese:afraid of the water. I could climb down into the pool using
Kathrese:the steps and wander around in the shallow end. But jumping off
Kathrese:the side of the pool at the deep end was not. I mean, not at all
Kathrese:what I wanted to do. But my dad had been part of the diving team
Kathrese:back in his high school days, and he was determined to help me
Kathrese:overcome my fear. So he would spend an eternity standing in
Kathrese:the pool, kindly encouraging me to jump in where he would be
Kathrese:right there to catch me. Keep in mind, my younger sister, then
Kathrese:two or three years old, had no problem launching herself into
Kathrese:the deep end cannon ball. In fact, she would jump in and
Kathrese:climb out three or four times while I hesitated on the edge. I
Kathrese:hated getting shown up like that. But the fear remained. So
Kathrese:if you were to develop a character similar to me for your
Kathrese:novel, you would be passing up an opportunity for conflict and
Kathrese:drama and character growth. If you didn't make your character
Kathrese:with the water phobia face her deepest fear head on know what
Kathrese:is at stake for your characters. Hand in hand with your
Kathrese:characters fears are the stakes they face. What are the stakes,
Kathrese:put some sort of death on the line and conflict becomes easier
Kathrese:to come by death can be physical, social, political,
Kathrese:emotional, or mental. Everyone you know has one or more things
Kathrese:at stake. Let's break that down. If your character's chief fear
Kathrese:is losing their mom, that's an emotional state when her mom
Kathrese:passes away, your character will experience a metaphorical
Kathrese:emotional death. deep grief takes a toll or start with
Kathrese:internal conflict if you're having trouble what does the
Kathrese:character want and why can't they have it? Or why do they
Kathrese:believe They can't have it. Not every story needs huge universe
Kathrese:shattering conflict. Conflict doesn't have to be big it boils
Kathrese:down to opposing views, priorities, beliefs, wants and
Kathrese:needs. I don't mean to say that conflict isn't important, but it
Kathrese:can be comprised of multiple building conflicts. However,
Kathrese:regardless of the scope of a conflict, the stakes for your
Kathrese:main character need to rise Do you need a handy way to examine
Kathrese:fears here are three tools that you can use to generate ideas
Kathrese:about fears Maslow's hierarchy of needs is perhaps the easiest
Kathrese:place to start when you are figuring out your character's
Kathrese:motivations. However, the hierarchy is not conclusive, and
Kathrese:many people think it can be improved. In case you're not
Kathrese:familiar with the hierarchy. Maslow theorized that humans but
Kathrese:most basic needs are the foundation, things like food,
Kathrese:shelter, water, and protection from the elements. The hierarchy
Kathrese:is depicted as a pyramid with physiological needs at the base.
Kathrese:The next higher layer of the pyramid is a human's need for
Kathrese:safety and security. Maslow believed that food and water are
Kathrese:more important to humans, then safety and security, we are
Kathrese:willing to risk our safety to obtain our physiological needs
Kathrese:above safety and security becomes a layer for belonging
Kathrese:and love. The next smaller layer is our need for esteem. And
Kathrese:above that comes a pinnacle of self actualization, which is
Kathrese:described as achieving one's fullest potential. Think of the
Kathrese:Olympic sprinter breaking all the records and winning the gold
Kathrese:medal that is really reaching their fullest potential as a
Kathrese:sprinter. So that would be your self actualization. According to
Kathrese:Maslow, the lower more basic needs must be met before human
Kathrese:turns our attention to the higher needs, and I kind of
Kathrese:disagree. In general, it's true. The Pyramid Chart used for
Kathrese:Maslow's hierarchy provides a handy reference and prompt the
Kathrese:Keep in mind that a person can sacrifice survival for a higher
Kathrese:calling, throwing it out the window and service of self
Kathrese:actualization. Fears are often our strongest source of
Kathrese:motivation. And each of the needs on the hierarchy can be
Kathrese:rephrased as a fear, fear of starvation, fear of a slow
Kathrese:painful death due to lack of shelter, fear of violence and
Kathrese:violation when you lack safety, fear of being loved and liked
Kathrese:and alone. Fear of losing all self respect when you can't meet
Kathrese:your own expectations, fear of living a life that isn't worth
Kathrese:remembering. The two other tools that I'm going to mention are
Kathrese:the Enneagram and the Myers Briggs tests. Enneagram and
Kathrese:Myers Briggs are also useful tools for characterization
Kathrese:according to The Enneagram is a system of
Kathrese:Personality Typing, that describes patterns and how
Kathrese:people interpret the world and manage their emotions. The Myers
Kathrese:Briggs results are similar than one similar to the ones from
Kathrese:Enneagram. At least for me they are many people prefer one
Kathrese:system over the other, but both are useful for characterization.
Kathrese:According to the Myers Briggs site. The purpose of the Myers
Kathrese:Briggs Type Indicator MBTI personality in Victoria is to
Kathrese:make the theory of Psychological Types described by CG Jung,
Kathrese:understandable and useful in people's lives. The essence of
Kathrese:the theory is that much seemingly random variation in
Kathrese:the behavior is actually quite orderly and consistent. Being
Kathrese:due to basic differences in the ways individuals prefer to use
Kathrese:their perception and judgment. Recently, I took an Enneagram
Kathrese:test, I landed on five wing four, also known as the
Kathrese:philosopher, spending too much time around other people
Kathrese:stresses me out. I fear being overwhelmed, or seemingly or
Kathrese:seeming incompetent, or being unable to express myself and
Kathrese:thus earning criticism from others. Predictably, then, I
Kathrese:spend a lot of time and energy learning new skills, trying to
Kathrese:understand the world around me, reflecting thinking and trying
Kathrese:to earn the appreciation of others by helping them learn to
Kathrese:I tend to be overly sensitive, and to focus on the stuff going
Kathrese:on inside my head. Wow, that is too much information and hits
Kathrese:too close to home. This means I tend to overthink and view
Kathrese:topics as an academic exercise instead of plunging in and
Kathrese:learning as I go. This is handy information for me to know about
Kathrese:myself, so I can break free of the more self destructive
Kathrese:features of being a philosopher. So I push myself to get my hands
Kathrese:dirty, and stop hesitating at the edge of the pool before I
Kathrese:jump in. Maybe you've taken a Myers Briggs test, and if you
Kathrese:have that's great. I land squarely on it. J, the architect
Kathrese:or the scientist, often i NT j's are just not the nicest people.
Kathrese:Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk are all considered
Kathrese:to be INTJ J's
Kathrese:female INTJ is or perhaps the rarest personality group. And
Kathrese:this group includes folks like Jane Austen, Angela, Lance
Kathrese:Berry, Hillary Clinton, Jodie Foster and Hedy Lamarr. Okay, I
Kathrese:can handle that the females seem nicer than the males. Just as a
Kathrese:general observation according to the Myers Briggs website in the
Kathrese:shownotes, i NT J's have original minds and great drive
Kathrese:for implementing their ideas and achieving their goals. They
Kathrese:quickly see patterns in external events and develop long range.
Kathrese:Explanatory perspectives, when committed, organize a job and
Kathrese:carry it through skeptical and independent have high standards
Kathrese:of competence and performance for themselves and others. In
Kathrese:other words, they make great supervillains. But the fear is
Kathrese:variety. JS from Myers Briggs, are about the same as the ones
Kathrese:indicated by the Enneagram the fear of being incompetent, the
Kathrese:fear of being wrong, the fear of misunderstanding, something
Kathrese:important, and so on. Enough about me, I'm just trying to
Kathrese:provide an example. Run your main characters through the
Kathrese:Enneagram or the Myers Briggs test. Check out Maslow's
Kathrese:hierarchy of needs. Figure out your character's motivations and
Kathrese:needs and fears these tools will have you come up with a conflict
Kathrese:and plot points if you have problems, or run into a wall or
Kathrese:draw blank. Many authors struggle to come up with
Kathrese:realistic compelling conflict for their plots. And we all know
Kathrese:that we can't afford to write a snoozer novel full of peace and
Kathrese:harmony. readers want to see a character strive to overcome
Kathrese:hardships to grow and to conquer their fears. The question of the
Kathrese:week is, how have you used your characters theories to drive
Kathrese:your plot? Or what is your favorite example of a
Kathrese:character's fears? Driving a plot? Leave your answer right forward slash podcast forward slash 38. That's
Kathrese:all I have for today. Until next time, keep writing. Thank you
Kathrese:for joining us today. If you enjoyed this episode, please
Kathrese:leave a comment and follow the podcast. If you're new around
Kathrese:here. I hope you will sign up for the weekly newsletter
Kathrese:writing pursuits. Tips for authors that link and all the
Kathrese:links mentioned in today's episode are in the show notes at
Kathrese:writing Please join us on Wednesdays for new
Kathrese:episodes and keep writing my friends. Keep writing