Today, iwe discuss everything from transportation and communication to architecture, construction, technology, and medical knowledge that goes into creating a believable, immersive world.
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The question of the week is: What are your favorite books and movies where these topics played a pivotal role. Share your favorites in the comments?
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Three Story Method Certified Editor
Today in Part Four of this world building series, we'll be
Speaker:discussing everything from transportation and communication
Speaker:to architecture, construction, and technology that goes into
Speaker:creating a believable, immersive world. Fasten your seat belts
Speaker:hold on tight, and let us explore the wheels of progress
Speaker:and learn how to shape our own worlds. A writing precedes
Speaker:authors. Welcome back to the podcast. To those of you who are
Speaker:new, I want to extend a special welcome. My name is Kathrese.
Speaker:McKee. And I'm glad you're here. If you are a writer seeking
Speaker:encouragement, information and inspiration, this podcast is for
Speaker:you. Let's get to it. Hey, writing precedes authors.
Speaker:Welcome back to the show to those of you who are new, I want
Speaker:to extend a special welcome. My name is Kathrese McKee. And I'm
Speaker:glad you're here. I call this episode wheels of progress, an
Speaker:umbrella term for things like transportation, communication,
Speaker:construction and architecture, technology and medical
Speaker:knowledge. I would love to know your favorite books, and movies,
Speaker:where these topics played a pivotal role. Share your
Speaker:favorites in the comments, let's get to it. world building is a
Speaker:huge topic so much so that I've broken it into six parts. You
Speaker:cannot overestimate the importance of world building and
Speaker:creating a believable and immersive fictional world. Even
Speaker:if you're writing historical or contemporary fiction, you still
Speaker:need a handle on all the topics I am discussing in this series.
Speaker:So far. So far, we have discussed building believable
Speaker:worlds and why it matters. Nature's realm set the stage
Speaker:society's rules, bend them, break them. And today as wheels
Speaker:of progress, shape your world. And then in the coming weeks we
Speaker:will talk about past and present, explore history's
Speaker:legacy, and magic myth and man wield supernatural power. And
Speaker:I'm really looking forward to those. It's difficult to choose
Speaker:which piece of wheels of progress to cover first, but
Speaker:since I brought up wheels in the title, let's start with
Speaker:transportation. Here are some questions to ask yourself when
Speaker:you're in the midst of world building, what mode of
Speaker:transportation? Or what modes of transportation are available in
Speaker:your world? For example, if it's an ice world, how to the people
Speaker:or the beings, whatever they might be your main characters?
Speaker:How do they get around in order to find food and trade amongst
Speaker:themselves? Have the civilizations in your series or
Speaker:books develop technologies for flight? Or underwater
Speaker:transportation? How do they manufacture their
Speaker:transportation? Do your characters rely on beasts of
Speaker:burden? mechanical means of transportation, global
Speaker:navigation? Or is everyone on foot? Are their modes of
Speaker:transportation only available available to the very wealthy?
Speaker:Like say yachts? Is there ubiquitously public
Speaker:transportation that will take a citizen almost anywhere? Is
Speaker:there like public transportation everywhere? What are the
Speaker:limitations and advantages of each mode of transportation in
Speaker:your world? How affordable is it? For the average person? Are
Speaker:there any unique modes of transportation that exists only
Speaker:in your world? So your imagination is the limit here?
Speaker:How long does it take to travel between different locations in
Speaker:your world? So sometimes I've seen stories where it seems
Speaker:improbable that they could have covered the distance in the
Speaker:amount of time, you know, that was allotted by the author. So
Speaker:pay attention to realistic distances? How safe is the
Speaker:transportation in this world? Not everything is always safe,
Speaker:no matter how you're getting there. But I mean, if you're
Speaker:traveling by dinosaur, aren't you taking the chance that
Speaker:you're gonna get eaten? That's just you know, throwing it out
Speaker:there? Are there any transportation related conflicts
Speaker:or tensions between different groups in this world? And how
Speaker:does transportation impact the economy and the politics of your
Speaker:world? Finally, how does transportation impact the
Speaker:environment of your world? So these are all questions you
Speaker:might ask yourself that are about transportation. The next
Speaker:thing I wanted to talk about was communication. One measure of
Speaker:civilization sophistication, is its means of communication like
Speaker:on Earth, some of these systems have been lost. However, there
Speaker:are many examples of ancient systems of keeping records and
Speaker:preserving history, including cave paintings, clay tablets,
Speaker:Papyrus, hieroglyphics, and wall carvings to celebrate a monarchs
Speaker:prowess and battle all these things.
Speaker:have come down to us through history. But don't don't think
Speaker:that those are not available to you in your books. On Earth,
Speaker:there are a few events we can point to that shook our world
Speaker:and our means of communicate communication. Number one was
Speaker:the printing press, invented in the mid 15th century by Johann
Speaker:Gutenberg, and it allowed for the mass production of written
Speaker:materials and help spread knowledge and ideas across
Speaker:Europe and the rest of the world. The telegraph was
Speaker:invented in the 18th century, and it allowed for rapid
Speaker:communication across long distances, and help connect
Speaker:people around the world. So that was another big jump in
Speaker:communications. Another example is the internet developed in the
Speaker:late 20th century, which transformed communication,
Speaker:commerce, and access to information on a global scale.
Speaker:It also opened up a can of worms. But there you are. So
Speaker:questions you might ask yourself when you're building your
Speaker:fictional worlds communication systems are, what forms of
Speaker:communication exist in this world. And remember, there's
Speaker:nonverbal and verbal, so keep that open, you know, something
Speaker:to think about? How reliable are these forms of communication? Is
Speaker:there censorship? Or surveillance? Is there
Speaker:information that is off limits? Or top secret? Are there any
Speaker:unique forms of communication that exists only in your world?
Speaker:And how easy is it to access different forms of
Speaker:communication? How do and I should have said, how easy is it
Speaker:to access different forms of communication? How do different
Speaker:groups within your world use communication to achieve their
Speaker:goals? Are there any communication related conflicts
Speaker:or tensions between different groups in this world? Just think
Speaker:about the slang between different groups of people? And
Speaker:how sometimes that's a barrier to communication? I mean, they
Speaker:say English is a common language that divides to people when
Speaker:we're talking about British English and American English. So
Speaker:you can definitely make plot points and and cause conflict
Speaker:through this misunderstandings that are caused by language. How
Speaker:does communication impact the economy or the politics of the
Speaker:world? And how does communication impact the culture
Speaker:and social norms? So those are some general questions are so
Speaker:many more that we could come up with, but that's to get you
Speaker:started, after climate, and flora and fauna, as we discussed
Speaker:in Part Two called nature's realm, about your physical
Speaker:world, the next thing you're likely to think about is shelter
Speaker:for your characters. And that leads us to architecture and
Speaker:construction methods. Architecture depends on culture,
Speaker:know how in engineering, available materials and
Speaker:mechanical advantage, that is machinery and manpower to build
Speaker:shelters and other structures, like palaces and government
Speaker:buildings, places of worship, and public spaces. If you are
Speaker:building your own world, be sure to consider our world history to
Speaker:find ideas of amazing architecture we no longer use,
Speaker:like the cliff dwellings any of the Anasazi of the Four Corners
Speaker:area in the American Southwest, or Machu Picchu in the Andes
Speaker:Mountains, a true marvel of engineering. That thing had
Speaker:amazing water handling systems and drainage built in from the
Speaker:ground up. Look into the terraced gardens in Ethiopia,
Speaker:and the floating gardens of the Aztecs called chinampas. So
Speaker:there's all kinds of things you can go back and use for your
Speaker:fiction, especially if you're writing fantasy or science
Speaker:fiction. Okay, this is a special favorite me, please consider
Speaker:making your fantasy settings. Less Eurocentric. Can I say that
Speaker:there are other continents to choose from Western culture may
Speaker:be all you know, but Eastern culture is at least as rich, be
Speaker:open to some new ideas for your settings, and your world
Speaker:building. Also, if you let set your stories in series and
Speaker:space, you've got all kinds of consideration. That's pretty
Speaker:much why don't write hard science fiction. It's like too
Speaker:much engineering. So questions authors might ask when they're
Speaker:building a fictional worlds architecture and construction,
Speaker:and they're thinking about how things are built is what are the
Speaker:materials that are available for construction in your world? What
Speaker:is the technology level in your world? And how does that impact
Speaker:the construction methods? Do the people work with natural
Speaker:materials? Like metal stone, wood, sand, clay or plant fibers
Speaker:or animal pelts? Or do they create synthetic fabrics and
Speaker:materials? Do they farm on open plains, terraced gardens
Speaker:or in hydroponic greenhouses. So those are, you know, you lead
Speaker:into architecture there. What are the architectural styles and
Speaker:traditions in your world? Are there any unique construction
Speaker:methods that exist only in your world? Also, how does the
Speaker:environment impact construction? Because the chief reason for
Speaker:having buildings is shelter, right, and places to meet, but
Speaker:shelter comes first. So you have to think about the environment.
Speaker:Are there any cultural or social factors that impact traction in
Speaker:your world? Are there any construction related conflicts?
Speaker:Are tensions between different groups and how does it impact
Speaker:its culture and social norms? Also, do beliefs, especially
Speaker:spiritual ones, inspire societies to build certain kinds
Speaker:of architecture? And is land available for purchase? Or is it
Speaker:all owned by the government or the crown or the church? Those
Speaker:are things to ask yourself when you're thinking about
Speaker:architecture and construction.
Speaker:Writing pursuits is run by Kathrese. McKee, who has been
Speaker:sted by fiction authors since:Speaker:new level of excellence. Guthrie's is a three story
Speaker:methods certified editor who specializes in story
Speaker:diagnostics, coaching, and line editing to help you prepare your
Speaker:story for the journey ahead. For more information, go to writing The link is in the show notes. And now, back to the
Speaker:podcast. Technology is the next consideration and impacts
Speaker:everything else, of course, so I could have done it. First, I
Speaker:character may be able to imagine an invention, like Michelangelo,
Speaker:imagining the helicopter. But if the world doesn't have a
Speaker:technology to execute the idea, then pardon the pun, they can't
Speaker:get off the ground. So questions authors need to consider when
Speaker:building a fictional worlds technological advancements is,
Speaker:do they have the will? Are they literate enough as a society to
Speaker:pass on knowledge? Through writing? in written form? How
Speaker:much math does the average citizen know? What sources of
Speaker:power do they have? Are they an analog society or a digital
Speaker:society? Are they something else that we haven't imagined yet?
Speaker:What state has their civilization reached in
Speaker:manufacturing? Do they build everything one at a time by
Speaker:hand? Or do they mass produce items in highly specialized
Speaker:industries? How do they farm build wage war? How does
Speaker:technology impact the economy and politics? Are there any
Speaker:unique technological advances that exists only in your world?
Speaker:How easy is it to access and use different technologies? And are
Speaker:there any cultural backward to this question? Are there any
Speaker:cultural or social factors that hold back technical,
Speaker:technological development? And how do different groups within
Speaker:this world use technology to achieve their goals? Are there
Speaker:any conflicts or tensions you can build from the differences
Speaker:between groups in your world related to technology? So we had
Speaker:an example of this when we started seeing industry in
Speaker:northern England. And we had a bunch of people that didn't want
Speaker:to have that industry there and that we call them the Luddites.
Speaker:So just think about that there are examples from our past,
Speaker:where people are resistant to progress, and sometimes progress
Speaker:has its own costs. Finally, there are many topics that I
Speaker:could fit inside the topic of wills of progress. The last
Speaker:topic I'm raising in this episode is medical knowledge. So
Speaker:your characters likely will be threatened by diseases and
Speaker:illnesses and injuries. So the state of medical knowledge, the
Speaker:expertise in care and availability of that care could
Speaker:provide lots of drama and tension to your plot. So
Speaker:questions authors need to act consider about the state of
Speaker:medical knowledge are like these, what is the general level
Speaker:of medical knowledge in your world? Is it kind of basic? Is
Speaker:it advanced, or somewhere in between? For the longest time,
Speaker:doctors on Earth ignored and were hostile to the idea of hand
Speaker:washing as a basic sanitary practice? And who knows how many
Speaker:people died as a result? So for ages the idea of germs was
Speaker:unknown. Even now, though, we know to wash our hands and brush
Speaker:our teeth, people sometimes don't. And that goes for a lot
Speaker:of other medical advice. So are there any cultural or societal
Speaker:taboos around medical practices or procedures? What common
Speaker:illnesses or diseases exist in your
Speaker:World? And what are their symptoms and treatments? What
Speaker:technologies and treatments are available in your world? And how
Speaker:accessible are they to different people and segments of society?
Speaker:Are there any medical professions, such as doctors or
Speaker:healers? And what training or education do they have? Are
Speaker:there any alternative or complementary medical practice
Speaker:like herbalism? Or acupuncture? How does the availability and
Speaker:quality of health care affect different communities within
Speaker:your world? Are there any major medical breakthroughs or
Speaker:discovery discoveries happening in your world? And how do they
Speaker:impact society and individuals? How does the understanding and
Speaker:treatment of mental health differ from the present day? And
Speaker:what kinds of mental health conditions exist in your world?
Speaker:And don't forget about magic and supernatural healing? If you're
Speaker:writing fantasy fiction, so you can see that medical knowledge
Speaker:is just a has a wealth of possibilities for creating
Speaker:tension and plot points, and and exploring themes. Today we have
Speaker:discussed the wheels of progress and how they shape your world
Speaker:building for fiction, including transportation, communication,
Speaker:construction and architecture, technology and medical
Speaker:knowledge, and how these considerations can lead to
Speaker:conflict and your stories, and plot points and themes. Of
Speaker:course, I could never think of everything. But this is a good
Speaker:starting place for building a believable and immersive
Speaker:fictional world to trance your readers. I would love to know
Speaker:your favorite books and movies, where these topics play a
Speaker:pivotal role. Share your favorites in the comments.
Speaker:That's all I have for today. Until next time, keep writing my
Speaker:friends. Keep writing. Thank you for listening to the podcast
Speaker:today. If you enjoyed this episode, please leave a star
Speaker:rating and follow the podcast. If you're new around here. I
Speaker:hope you will sign up for writing pursuits tips for
Speaker:authors, my newsletter that comes out most Thursdays when
Speaker:health and life permit that link and all the links mentioned in
Speaker:today's episode are in the show notes and writing
Speaker:Please join us on Wednesdays for new episodes and keep writing my