Is writer’s block real? Yes. Can you beat it? What to do when you have writer’s block. Writer’s block is not a permanent condition, and there are ways to minimize its impact.
The question of the week is: What is your favorite way to get unstuck and beat writer’s block?
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Three Story Method Certified Editor
Is writer's block real? Yes. Can you beat it?
Kathrese:Also? Yes. Many pointers to come in this episode of writing
Kathrese:pursuits. Welcome to the writing pursuits podcast where authors
Kathrese:like you discuss writing craft, author life and book marketing
Kathrese:strategies. I'm your host Kathrese. McKee. I own writing
Kathrese:pursuits and write and produce the weekly newsletter writing
Kathrese:pursuits, tips for authors. In addition, I am a speculative
Kathrese:fiction author, writing procedures for authors who drink
Kathrese:too much coffee, endure judgemental looks from their
Kathrese:furry writing, convenience and struggle for words. If you are a
Kathrese:writer seeking encouragement, information and inspiration,
Kathrese:this podcast is for you. Let's get to it. Hey, writing pursuits
Kathrese:authors. Welcome
Kathrese:back to the podcast. For those of you who are new, I want to
Kathrese:extend a special welcome. My name is Kathrese McKee. And I'm
Kathrese:glad you're here. Please leave a comment a star rating and follow
Kathrese:the show to help others find writing pursuits is writer's
Kathrese:block real? Yes. For you curmudgeons out there, you
Kathrese:writer's block deniers just move on. Go somewhere else here, take
Kathrese:your hat and leave the doors that way. writer's block is too
Kathrese:well documented and widely experienced to be denied by
Kathrese:people who look at life in an honest way. If you've never
Kathrese:experienced writer's block, then you simply haven't had it yet.
Kathrese:For everyone else, be assured. writer's block is not a
Kathrese:permanent condition. And there are ways to minimize its impact.
Kathrese:So let's get to it. What is writer's block. If you sit down
Kathrese:to write on your latest work in progress and simply get stuck,
Kathrese:unable to proceed? That is a form of writer's block.
Kathrese:According to the online Oxford Dictionary, writer's block is
Kathrese:the condition of being unable to think of what to write, or how
Kathrese:to proceed with writing. Merriam Webster defines writer's block
Kathrese:as a psychological inhibition, preventing a writer from
Kathrese:proceeding with a piece anxiety and grief can play a part.
Kathrese:Fatigue is usually a factor. Burnout happens when you feel
Kathrese:swamped and overwhelmed. Everyone my friend goes through
Kathrese:these things and sometimes it makes us unable to write well,
Kathrese:or unable to write at all. Some people have better luck pushing
Kathrese:through others grind to a standstill. writer's block is
Kathrese:not a moral failure. If you are at a standstill. I'm not saying
Kathrese:it will be easy to regain momentum. But it is possible to
Kathrese:find your way back eventually, by using some of the following
Kathrese:techniques. You must be persistent, but you must also be
Kathrese:kind to yourself. I see you curmudgeons lurking on the
Kathrese:sidelines waiting for your moment to chime in. Your reality
Kathrese:doesn't match the real life experiences of other authors
Kathrese:writing isn't the problem thinking is you know how to
Kathrese:write you love to form word pictures and communicate
Kathrese:thoughts and imaginative stories and create emotional experiences
Kathrese:through your writing. Words are your jam. Writing is not the
Kathrese:cause of writer's block thinking is disclaimer I'm not a
Kathrese:therapist, psychologist, a psychiatrist or any other type
Kathrese:of mental health professional. This is not intended as medical
Kathrese:treatment. If you are suffering from dark thoughts, please seek
Kathrese:professional medical care mindset and mental health and
Kathrese:brain hygiene can stop a writer mid sentence. Most techniques
Kathrese:authors use to get past writer's block center on helping the
Kathrese:brain function better. Mindset is meta because we're thinking
Kathrese:about thinking with our thinker. I'm sorry, I couldn't resist
Kathrese:being silly mental health. So why is mental health so
Kathrese:difficult to treat and improve? Mental health is swayed by
Kathrese:trauma and internalized beliefs, our emotional state and physical
Kathrese:factors like hormones, neurotransmitters, exercise,
Kathrese:food choices, and sleeping habits. Unfortunately, mental
Kathrese:health is a fuzzy catchphrase, which these days is very
Kathrese:frequently politicized to demonize and abused. So I'm
Kathrese:sorry about that very unfortunate. Brain hygiene is a
Kathrese:concept most people do not know about. But like dental hygiene,
Kathrese:it can make a huge difference over time. As you can probably
Kathrese:guess brain hygiene directly affects mental health. Some
Kathrese:physical factors are outside our control, like how much dopamine
Kathrese:is present in our brains. Also environmental factors are often
Kathrese:out of our control. Brain hygiene involves us following
Kathrese:factors consciousness, which is being present in the moment to
Kathrese:monitor your thoughts, food choices, alcohol use, drug use
Kathrese:both over the counter and prescriptions, caffeine intake,
Kathrese:exercise, rest and sleep, environmental conditions, social
Kathrese:interactions and curiosity. Your brain is your machine, take care
Kathrese:of it. The most wonderful aspect about brains is how they react
Kathrese:to positive action. They are able to heal and to work better
Kathrese:with persistent intentional care. take positive action to
Kathrese:affect your thinking. If you accept that writer's block is
Kathrese:about how thinking affects writing, then you are ready to
Kathrese:put some practices and habits in place to positively affect your
Kathrese:y to overcome writer's block.:Kathrese:about each of the brain hygiene factors we just talked about. So
Kathrese:we will only hit the high spots. Writing pursuits is run by
Kathrese:Kathrese. McKee, who has been trusted by fiction authors since
Kathrese:2014. To take their writing to a new level of excellence.
Kathrese:Guthrie's is a three story methods certified editor who
Kathrese:specializes in story diagnostics, coaching, and line
Kathrese:editing to help you prepare your story for the journey ahead. For
Kathrese:more information, go to writing The link is in the
Kathrese:show notes. And now back to the podcast. We will go over some
Kathrese:techniques authors have found helpful, the rest is up to you.
Kathrese:conscious action is required. So first, stop. Listen to your
Kathrese:subconscious warnings something it needs to be fixed. heed your
Kathrese:body in mind when they are tired. Second, relax, take a
Kathrese:bath or a shower. I'm telling you water is magical. Take a
Kathrese:break, take a nap. Or just try to take a nap lights off cool
Kathrese:room sometime during the futile attempt to sleep. ideas may
Kathrese:swamp your mind. And finally get a full night of rest. Third,
Kathrese:prepare every day when you sit down to write prepare. Create a
Kathrese:space that is writer friendly, be rested. Warm up with a
Kathrese:handwritten page about your life before you begin work.
Kathrese:Handwritten pages will change your life. It's based on brain
Kathrese:science, there's a connection there that isn't available to
Kathrese:you when you're typing on a computer. Fourth, work in short
Kathrese:increments Pomodoro is that a word? If not, it should be start
Kathrese:small with 510 or 15 minute sessions, rest between each
Kathrese:session, and then go at it again. Fifth, switch intentions
Kathrese:for writing. Write to prompts every day until you get unstuck.
Kathrese:Go for a walk or go on an errand with purpose. When you return.
Kathrese:Write about what you saw or heard or felt while you are
Kathrese:away. Work on a different writing project. Start a new
Kathrese:writing project. That's not the same thing. You can switch
Kathrese:between projects or you could start something entirely new. Or
Kathrese:you could try something new that you've never done before like
Kathrese:writing poetry or lyrics. Free write about nothing in
Kathrese:particular, turn off your filters. use pen and paper to
Kathrese:get an entirely different experience from sitting at a
Kathrese:computer. Six, swap environments, change your
Kathrese:environment go to the coffee shop, go to the park and sit at
Kathrese:a table. Running water like a spring or fountain is supposed
Kathrese:to be helpful. I love being your fountain while I write number
Kathrese:seven. Use curiosity about your story. This is probably the most
Kathrese:powerful tool. Imagine a fan fiction version or spin off of
Kathrese:your story and write that. Ask yourself what if questions? What
Kathrese:if my MC has an evil twin? What if my MC loses their job? What
Kathrese:if my MC is abducted for one night by aliens? Get a silly or
Kathrese:as serious as you can write down your answers silly or not.
Kathrese:Eventually, you may have a breakthrough. Write about your
Kathrese:characters when they were far younger, or what they might be
Kathrese:like far in the future. This isn't for the story, but knowing
Kathrese:their pasts, or predicting their futures may help you get
Kathrese:unstuck. Write a letter from the main character to someone else
Kathrese:in the story. Or write a letter by a secondary character to a
Kathrese:non character, someone who is not part of your story. Let your
Kathrese:side character predict what they think is going to happen or how
Kathrese:they secretly feel about what has been going on. Ask yourself
Kathrese:questions about why why why this is the five year olds trick,
Kathrese:right? Why is the character acting this way? Why did They
Kathrese:react to something in their past like that. Why are they
Kathrese:triggered by someone? Why do they believe that thing about
Kathrese:themselves? Why did they react that way? Why why why? Interview
Kathrese:a character interview a setting I mean, why not skip to a scene
Kathrese:you really want to write and give it a go. Assign something
Kathrese:ridiculous for your characters to do. blow something up in your
Kathrese:story. Make a character fall down a flight of stairs
Kathrese:unexpectedly swap lines between characters and see where it
Kathrese:goes. Plot backward from the desired ending. What needs to
Kathrese:happen before that to lead to the end before that, and before
Kathrese:that, or maybe your brain knows the ending isn't right. So
Kathrese:explore alternative endings. And finally, the easy one, go do
Kathrese:some research. You never know. You never know what's going to
Kathrese:happen next. The last exercise, though for drive a walk a run or
Kathrese:swim, meditate, do yoga. Do something that keeps your hands
Kathrese:busy like washing the car, or the dishes or raking leaves,
Kathrese:leaves, leaves, raking leaves. Leave your mind free to roam. Go
Kathrese:play with the kids or the dog. Volunteer to run someone's
Kathrese:errand. Distract yourself. listen to audiobooks use a
Kathrese:different creative outlet to relax your mind. Like drawing
Kathrese:painting, making music, carpentry or gardening make a
Kathrese:collage, dance knit crochet or rearrange a room. Watch a movie
Kathrese:or binge a show. listen to a podcast. Hint hint. All these
Kathrese:suggestions are about moving your mindset, improving your
Kathrese:mental health and performing brain hygiene to get you past
Kathrese:this temporary sticking place. Being stuck does not mean you
Kathrese:are unable to write it doesn't mean you aren't meant to be a
Kathrese:writer. Only you choose whether you are a writer getting past
Kathrese:writer's block takes persistent conscious action. You can do
Kathrese:this. Give yourself grace. Keep trying and you will make it
Kathrese:through. This week's question is What is your favorite way to get
Kathrese:unstuck and beat writer's block.
Kathrese:That's all I have for this week. Until next time, keep writing.
Kathrese:Thank you for joining us today. If you enjoyed this episode,
Kathrese:please leave a comment and follow the podcast. If you're
Kathrese:new around here. I hope you will sign up for the weekly
Kathrese:newsletter writing pursuits. Tips for authors that link and
Kathrese:all the links mentioned in today's episode are in the show
Kathrese:notes at writing Please join us on Wednesdays for
Kathrese:new episodes and keep writing my friends. Keep writing