There are plenty of tools and apps to help you market your books, but most of those come at a premium.
Today, we are going to look at a free tool that will simplify your life and help you market your books. In fact, you can earn money on books you didn’t write by maximizing your affiliate links.
Let’s learn about Universal Book Links and how to use them.
If you would like to sign up for a free Draft2Digital account, I am an affiliate, and this is my link: You never have to pay upfront to publish; Draft2Digital only makes money if you sell ebooks through one of their distributors.
Instagram: @WritingPursuitsPodcast
Three Story Method Certified Editor
There are plenty of books and apps to help you
Kathrese:market your books. But most of those come at a premium. Today
Kathrese:we're going to look at a free tool that will simplify your
Kathrese:life and help you market your books. In fact, you can earn
Kathrese:money on books you didn't write by maximizing your affiliate
Kathrese:links. Let's learn about universal book links and how can
Kathrese:you use them? Welcome to the writing pursuits podcast where
Kathrese:authors like you discuss writing craft, author, life and book
Kathrese:marketing strategies.
Kathrese:I'm your host Kathrese. McKee. I own writing pursuits and write
Kathrese:and produce the weekly newsletter writing pursuits tips
Kathrese:for authors. In addition, I am a speculative fiction author.
Kathrese:Writing pursuits is for authors who drink too much coffee,
Kathrese:endure judgemental looks from their furry writing companions
Kathrese:and struggle for words. If you are a writer seeking
Kathrese:encouragement, information and inspiration, this podcast is for
Kathrese:you. Let's get to it. Hey, writing pursuits authors.
Kathrese:Welcome back to the podcast. To those of you who are new, I want
Kathrese:to extend a special welcome. My name is Kathrese McKee. And I'm
Kathrese:glad you're here. Please leave a comment a star rating and follow
Kathrese:the show to help others find writing pursuits. Today let's
Kathrese:learn about seven ways to use universal book links. What is a
Kathrese:universal Book link or otherwise known as a UB L. Universal book
Kathrese:links provide a single URL that an author a publisher or a fan
Kathrese:can share online. Instead of linking to just one digital
Kathrese:bookstore, or posting lots of links to lots of different
Kathrese:stores and territories. An author can share one universal
Kathrese:Book link, and a reader can follow it to reach the book on
Kathrese:their favorite store. Think of it as Bitly for indie books, you
Kathrese:can create universal book links at books to read, which is the
Kathrese:sister site of draft to digital or book linker, which is for
Kathrese:Amazon stores, or BK, or genius link. And there may be
Kathrese:other places. Today, I will only consider books to read because
Kathrese:it's the only service I have personally used so I can vouch
Kathrese:for it. What is books to read from their FAQ. books to read is
Kathrese:a reader facing site featuring discovery tools developed by
Kathrese:indie publishing service draft to digital, we currently offer
Kathrese:the following free services, new release notifications, universal
Kathrese:book links, author pages and book tabs, I would add reading
Kathrese:list to this list of features. And we'll talk about those in a
Kathrese:moment. So seven ways to use universal book links. Number
Kathrese:one, create one link to rule them all. A UBL can tie a title
Kathrese:to all of the stores where it is sold, and in every format it
Kathrese:exists. To begin, you can grab a URL from a store where your
Kathrese:ebook is sold in books to read we'll run a search to find it
Kathrese:anywhere else it is sold. If you offer your book in paperback or
Kathrese:in audiobook format, you will need to add those locations
Kathrese:manually. But that's pretty easily done. You do not need to
Kathrese:have a books to read account to create a UBL anyone can create a
Kathrese:UBL for book. However, if you do create an account, you can track
Kathrese:clicks and see other analytics. You can also update the UBL to
Kathrese:reflect store editions or places the book is no longer available
Kathrese:to add or remove stores without affecting the link the ability
Kathrese:to keep the same UBL. No matter where the book is sold is huge.
Kathrese:Many authors start out publishing to Amazon only. Later
Kathrese:they decide to go wide. All you need to do is refresh your UBL.
Kathrese:To add and delete stores to keep it up to date, you have one
Kathrese:universal Book link to maintain. Instead of having to track mini
Kathrese:store links for your book. Think of that multiplied by a backlist
Kathrese:of 10 books or 20. That is a major time saver. Plus you don't
Kathrese:have to update web pages where you have mentioned your book.
Kathrese:Links in your social posts continue to work. If you are a
Kathrese:podcaster or a YouTuber, your show notes continue to be
Kathrese:accurate for books you've mentioned. Number three, use the
Kathrese:custom URL in your newsletters on your website. And in your
Kathrese:social posts. books to read initially creates a cryptic case
Kathrese:sensitive link for each UBL but you are allowed to create a
Kathrese:customized link as I did for my first novel instead of books to forward slash you forge slash three uppercase R six
Kathrese:uppercase R x v. You can find it at books to forward
Kathrese:slash Martin's mark if the last segment of your URL has not been
Kathrese:taken the You will be able to reserve it for yourself.
Kathrese:Otherwise, you will need to be inventive. There was no other
Kathrese:UBL that use Martin's mark as its customization so I could use
Kathrese:it, I could save it. You may be asking yourself why you would
Kathrese:use a UBL for book that is only on Amazon. Let's say you have
Kathrese:one book on Amazon. The reason is books to read will provide
Kathrese:automatic geolocation support for Amazon stores. So if a
Kathrese:reader in Australia clicks on a UBL for your book, they will be
Kathrese:sent to the Amazon store for Australia with no extra work for
Kathrese:create a book tab for every book, you can add your book
Kathrese:cover description, and it looks great. Number five, after you've
Kathrese:added your books, create an author page with a list of your
Kathrese:books on books read for my author friends who do not yet
Kathrese:have a website, here's your chance to have an about page
Kathrese:with a list of your books for free. And you can customize your
Kathrese:author page URL to of course, in essence, you are creating a UBL
Kathrese:for you. Or I guess it would be a universal author link anyway,
Kathrese:you can find my page at books to forward slash Kathrese.
Kathrese:McKee that was a reason for using UBL. So in particular for
Kathrese:using books to read my gut tells me and this is just my
Kathrese:prediction that drafted digital has big plans for the future of
Kathrese:books to read to my way of thinking they could become a
Kathrese:book Bub alternative. Why not? They have their fingers on the
Kathrese:pulse of indie publishing already, why not expand their
Kathrese:reach? Number six, create reading lists for your books and
Kathrese:similar books by other authors. books to read permits you to
Kathrese:create reading lists, and they can include all of your
Kathrese:recommendations, which you then can share using a reading list
Kathrese:URL for best results. Create all of the little UB ELLs you're
Kathrese:going to need first, and then begin setting up your reading
Kathrese:list. You can customize the link to you guessed it, I have a
Kathrese:custom link from my book series that books to Ford
Kathrese:slash R L Ford slash Martin's Mark series. The reading lists
Kathrese:are presented as attractive carousels with your labels like
Kathrese:my favorite fantasy books. Clicking on a book in the
Kathrese:carousel will send the reader to a book tab where all the
Kathrese:available stores will be shown. At this point a reader can
Kathrese:indicate that they only want to make purchases from Kobo or
Kathrese:Scribd, or Amazon books to read will remember their preferences
Kathrese:to streamline their purchasing experience the next time if you
Kathrese:input your store affiliate links into books to read. Then when a
Kathrese:reader clicks on a bookstore link and purchases a book you
Kathrese:have listed, you will receive your affiliate commission, I
Kathrese:plan to create reading lists for writing precedes authors that
Kathrese:will include books I am constantly recommending his
Kathrese:author resources. And if you just happen to click one of my
Kathrese:little ups where I am an affiliate, someday I will
Kathrese:receive a small commission. Speaking of affiliates books to
Kathrese:read currently recognizes the following stores affiliate
Kathrese:codes, Amazon, Apple, Barnes and Noble Rakuten Kobo Google
Kathrese:scribed smashwords, which is now part of drafted digital and
Kathrese:Walmart eBooks by Rakuten. Your reading lists can be private, or
Kathrese:public. So if you just want to create a reading list for
Kathrese:yourself, you can keep it private, or public lists and
Kathrese:public reading lists are available to anyone with the
Kathrese:link can you see the possibilities, you can recommend
Kathrese:your author friends books in a reading list customized for your
Kathrese:genre, so your readers can find similar books to read while you
Kathrese:complete your next novel, or how to book number seven create
Kathrese:multiple use ups for campaign testing. You don't have to limit
Kathrese:yourself to one UBL per book. Let's say you wanted to do a
Kathrese:little AB testing to see which campaign is most effective.
Kathrese:Create two or more UVs for your title, and pit them against each
Kathrese:other. If you have a books to read account, you can see the
Kathrese:results in your analytics. Imagine how you will use this
Kathrese:free marketing tool that is both highly efficient and effective.
Kathrese:If you already have a draft a digital account, your sign in
Kathrese:information will be the same for its sister site books to read.
Kathrese:That makes it all easy. And that's all I have for today.
Kathrese:Until next time, keep writing.
Kathrese:Thank you for joining us today. If you enjoyed this episode,
Kathrese:please leave a comment and follow the podcast. If you're
Kathrese:new around here. I hope you will sign up for the weekly
Kathrese:newsletter writing pursuits. Tips for authors that link and
Kathrese:all the links mentioned in today's episode are in the
Kathrese:shownotes at writing Please join us on
Kathrese:Wednesdays for new episodes and keep writing my friends. Keep